Monday, September 14, 2015

Tubeworms also known as sebellide worms.

Tubeworms come in a myriad range of colors. Depending on the location from which it is collected the colors range from pure white, cream, purple, maroon, red, blue, mixed colors etc. The  Tubeworms can make their own homes .
         The homes these fantastic looking creatures construct depends on what species they are. There are Tubeworms that make homes in leather like tubes which they make from minerals from the water and their own body slime. There are other varieties of Tubeworms that make calcium carbonate based tubes. Tubeworms that have leathery tubes are available on a much larger scale than the other variety. 

         They can be fed anyinvertebrate food as they are filter feeders. They can sometimes shed their filter feathers and regenerate a completely new set of a different colour too. A dicey part with these amazing creatures is that you should see them open up daily. If they don't seem to be opening up then immediately check to see if they have died in the tube or if the tube is empty. A dead Tubeworm not removed immediately from the tank will cause ammonia spikes as well as hydrogen sulfide gas formation leading to fish deaths. The normally available Tubeworms have a feather span of approximately 3 inches plus. There are miniature Tubeworms that have just a half centimetre span. Caring for them is easy but they require sound water parameters to thrive. They are known to spawn in aquariums, survival of the eggs and young depends upon the filtration systems in the aquarium. If possible feed them with cultured rotifers.

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